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Walk to Light_M_S_C_05a.jpg
Dudley Starburst
Stop Bullying
Dudley Keeper of Secrets
Dudley Keeper of Secrets

Worries and secrets

Secrets can exist for many different reasons. Some are secrets to be kept and others are secrets to be broken.

‘Secrets to be kept’ are real secrets – like the secret password to your computer, your phone number and sometimes even where you live.  These are things you should never tell a stranger.

‘Secrets to be broken’ are sometimes written by children who are sad, because they are being teased or bullied.

 These are secrets you should tell a grown-up.  Talk to your mum or dad or your teacher, or someone you trust. If you do not want to talk to someone you know, you can call ChildLine 0800 1111.

There are of course many ‘Secrets made for fun’.  So enjoy making lots of different secrets.  Dudley always loves to eat the funny ones. 

Little Brown Elf
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Worries & Secrets
LadyBird GLOW
Little Brown Elf
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Little Brown Elf
LadyBird GLOW

Listen to Dudleys message about worries and secrets

LadyBird GLOW
Secrets to be broken

Dudley's message about

Worries & Secrets

Secrets to be kept
Little Brown Elf
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The Orange Envelope


Indigo A

Teach and tell others

Worries & Secrets
Dudley - The Sack of Secrets.

Back at home in the Sack of Secrets, Dudley was worried!

The bottom of the sack of secrets had begun to fill up! Too many worries and secrets were falling down into the bottom of the sack.

Planet Earth was in trouble!

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Knick-Knack Tree Save Our Planet

Bullying and what to do about it.

Little Brown Elves
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Little Brown Elf

If you are worried about something, you can write a letter to Dudley or draw him a picture, then you can give it to your mum or dad, or a teacher.

A message from Old Man Moon

Old Man Moon
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Worries & Secrets
Worries & Secrets
Worries & Secrets
Indigo Box _
LadyBird GLOW
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  • Too many things were going wrong!

  • The people on planet earth have too many worries & secrets.

The little brown elves were worried.

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