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Knick-Knack Tree Ladybird
Planet Fuddle_01.png
Fuddle behind Moon
Fuddle behind Moon
Fuddle behind Moon

Have you ever looked up at the Moon at night and wondered what might be hiding behind it?

Well if you have you would be right to wonder, because according to the Knick-Knack Tree Adventures there is something hiding there ...

a small orange planet called Fuddle!

Take a look around the edge of the Moon before you go to bed, especially when the glow around the edge of it looks orange! - you might just see two eyes peering back at you!

Planet Fuddle is where are Knick-Knack Tree Adventures first began, but there is so much more to be found there than just 'One Small Planet'.

There is a whole new world of adventures.

Make The Orange Envelope_PNG v small.png
Trouble in Trickletown

Did you notice something hiding behind the Moon?

If not restart the page and look again!

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