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The Knick-Knack Tree - The importance of trees
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Trees are very important, they help to clean the air we breathe, they filter the water we drink, they provide homes for much of the world’s wildlife and they do so much more ...

Take a look on the Knick-Knack Trees branches and you will see how important trees are.

The importance of trees

Look after our trees and they will look after you. They are the lungs of our planet, so please love them, protect them and nurture them.

Knick-Knack Tree
Knick-Knack Tree Save Our Planet
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Look after our trees

Save our trees

Save our planet

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Teach and tell others

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Love Your Planet
Love Your Planet
Love Your Planet
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Trees help cool the planet by absorbing and storing harmful greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, into their trunks, branches, and leaves, and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. This process is called photosynthesis.


Watch this Happy learning video and find out how Photosynthesis works.

How do trees affect Earths climate?

Climate is the average weather in a place over many years. While the weather can change in just a few hours, climate takes many years to change, sometimes hundreds, thousands or even millions of years.

The world has many different climates. Where the Sun's rays hit the earth directly on the equator, all of the heat from the Sun is absorbed and the climate is hot, but where the Sun's rays glance the surface of the earth at the poles, less heat is absorbed and the climate is cold. Watch the 'Climate and vegetation zone' video below to find out more about earths climates. 


What is the Climate?


Greenhouse gasses retain heat and so if there is too much of it in the atmosphere, the climate will warm up. This is why it is not a good idea to burn trees and focal fuels because this releases carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.


You can purchase this chart for your home or classroom, just click on it to find out how.

Watch this video to find out more about the importance of trees. You can also visit the 'Help Plant Trees' website, to find out more about how you can help.

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Trees help to control the environment

Trees keep the air clean

Trees clean our water

Watch this video to find out more about the worlds climates.


The environment is everything around you - the air you breath, the buildings, the forests, the oceans, the weather and the ground beneath your feet. Wherever you are, everything around you is your environment.

Trees benefit the environment

Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow and the carbon that they store in their wood helps slow the rate of global warming. They reduce wind speeds and cool the air as they lose moisture and reflect heat upwards from their leaves.

  • Trees provide oxygen for us to breath,

  • They improve air quality by absorbing harmful gasses and filtering particles out of the air by trapping and storing then in their leaves and bark.

There is a process called the water cycle, in which trees play a very important part.

The trees roots are like filters taking up water from the soil and removing pollutants. As the water travels through the trees inner bark, minerals and nutrients are taken from the water to feed the tree. 90% of this fresh clean water is released back into the atmosphere through the trees leaves to continue on the water cycle.

Watch this Happy learning video and find out how Photosynthesis works.

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Knick-Knack Tree Save Our Planet
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Knick-Knack Tree Save Our Planet
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Love Your Planet
Love Your Planet
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Trees control our water; this helps to protect and bring nutrients to our soil

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Soil, is the upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles.


Trees protect soil by slowing the rain as it falls to the Earth, helping it soak into the soil. This helps to prevent soil from being washed away and lost into our waterways. This prevents storm-water and floods from carrying pollutants to the ocean.

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How-Trees-Stop-Erosion-3 Nutrient cycle.

Trees also shelter the soil from strong winds, preventing it from blowing away.

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Trees give food to our soil

Trees are an important part of the Nutrient Cycle, keeping the soil fertile and full of food for other plants and trees to grow.

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The fruit from trees not only feeds us, it also feeds much of the world's wildlife.

Trees give us fruit

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Knick-Knack Tree Save Our Planet

A fruit of a tree contains the seeds. ... The fruit protects the seeds and also helps to spread them. Many fruits are good to eat and attract small animals, such as birds and squirrels, who like to feed on them. The seeds pass through them unharmed, and then get spread through their droppings.

Love Your Planet
Love Your Planet
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(Life on Earth)

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Knick-Knack Tree Save Our Planet

Trees are important to the Biodiversity of our planet.

We need 1/3 of the land area of our planet to be covered in trees and forests, as the trees block the carbon and keep the climate stable.

Biodiversity is a term which represents the total verity of all live on earth.

Biodiversity is the diverse and complex ecosystem that supports and gives life to all of the organisms on our planet; insects, plants, birds, animals and us. We cannot survive without a healthy ecosystem, our future depends on it - for our health, the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe.

Love Your Planet
Love Your Planet
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  • Privacy to our homes and gardens,

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The social impact of trees

Trees make us feel good and they improve our quality of life.

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  • Beauty to the landscape,

  • Attract wildlife to our parks and gardens,

  • Absorb noise, reducing the sound of traffic on our roads,

  • Beauty to our architecture - imagine what our cities, towns and villages would look like without the beauty of trees.

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We all feel a calming effect from being near trees, this reduces stress and are recovery is faster following surgery and illness.

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Trees and our Health


Trees give us medicine

Trees provide us with sap, leaves, blossoms, bark, berries, and nuts — most of which have medicinal properties that cannot be found anywhere else in nature. For thousands of years, trees have given us wonderful herbal medicines and played an important role in our lives.

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Trees do lots of things for us and so it is time we looked after them better!

Trees bring ...



People have used wood for thousands of years as a material for making houses, tools, weapons, furniture, packaging, artworks, and paper.

Materials and things you may not know came from trees


The Metropol Parasol in Seville, Spain, by Jurgen Mayer H. Architects, is the world's largest wooden structure.

I know why trees are important
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You have worked extremely hard to learn why trees are so important to our planet. So even if you did not get all of your questions right, the Knick-Knack Tree would like to give you this special certificate, so that you can remember how important trees are.

The Knick-Knack Tree - The importance of trees
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How to identify trees

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Love Your Planet
Love Your Planet
Love Your Planet
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Jenson the Frog
Knick-Knack Tree Save Our Planet
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