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Self-Published  1st 3 Chapters

Knick-Knack Tree Adventures

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Trouble in Trickletown

Knick-Knack Tree Adventures

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A place where adventures begin.

A place where dreams come true.

Trickletown Valleys' Crater


-    Chapter 1    -

The Fuddles Build Trickletown

Hidden somewhere here on Planet Earth there is a crater: Trickletown Valleys’ Crater.  It is a place where adventures begin and dreams come true.  But you would be very lucky if you found it, as it is hidden in a thick grey mist.

Many millions of years ago, and long before life on Planet Earth had even had the chance to exist, the Crater was not very important at all, just a dusty shallow crater.  Nothing grew here, nothing lived here, and certainly nothing ever came here.  Until one day, out of the stillness of space and from somewhere beyond the Moon, something magical happened!
Its arrival was nothing out of the ordinary, as by all accounts it was just another shooting star – a small insignificant object twinkling in the sky very briefly, before tumbling to the ground, never to be thought of again.
But this particular shooting star had not just arrived here – it had been sent!  This small, orange object, only the size and shape of a coconut had tumbled onto the slopes of the Crater.
A small cloud of dust was all that marked the object’s arrival, but before the dust had settled, magical things began to happen.
A tiny white root wriggled free and began tunnelling itself into the ground.  It was followed very closely by another and soon by several more.

Trouble in Trickletown

The clouds above the Crater blackened and lightning crackled in the skies.  The roots grew larger … Soon they became so big that the ground beneath the Crater started to move.   
The roots formed living labyrinths beneath the surface and pushed snow capped mountains high around the Crater’s edge.  Soon seven rivers flowed down seven valleys and on the northern slope of the Crater, where the shooting star had landed, a curious living tree had started to grow.
To begin with it looked like any other tree, but this tree was different! Very different!  This tree was not just living, it could breathe – it was alive!  Soon a face appeared, and two eyes opened.  As its large mouth yawned; its breath swept a carpet of life across the Crater’s floor.  The Knick-Knack Tree had arrived and the Crater had changed for ever.
So what was this all about?  What was the Knick-Knack Tree … and why was it here?
Well what happened next begins to answer these questions.
A large number of Fuddles arrived in the Crater.  
Fuddles were human like us, but they had evolved to be slightly different.  In addition to some other curious things (which the Knick-Knack Tree Adventures will reveal), they appeared to have ears a little larger or smaller than what you might call normal and they were also super-intelligent and never forget a single thing they were told. 
They had travelled to this Crater from their homes on a small orange planet called Fuddle, hiding secretly behind Earth’s Moon.  If you look very carefully you can sometimes see it, especially when the Moon is full and the glow around the edge of it is orange. 
On arrival, they emerged from beyond a Sizing Stone, one of a series of magical stones which protect the very small entrances to the Knick-Knack Tree’s passageways, treasures and secrets.  These stones would alter their size (small to go in and back to full size when coming out again), this allowed the Fuddles to move in and out of these entrances with ease.  However, these stones would only allow anyone to enter if their intentions were good!

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The Fuddles Build Trickletown

The Fuddles emerged from beyond a Sizing Stone, one of a series of magical stones which protect the very small entrances to the Knick-Knack Tree’s passageways, treasures and secrets.  These stones would alter their size (small to go in and back to full size when coming out again).

Trouble in Trickletown

The Fuddles Build Trickletown

This particular Sizing Stone sat outside the entrance to the hole at the base of the Knick-Knack Tree’s trunk. The hole was the entrance to a den, from where doors and passageways led to places deep inside the Tree’s roots and – provided you could find your way around them – they could take you anywhere you wished.
The Fuddles had arrived in Trickletown Valleys’ Crater for a reason.  They needed a safe place to keep their fish! The Million Wiggle Fish were colourful intelligent fish with powers of their own – powers so extraordinary that everyone in the Universe wanted them. When the Fuddles first found these mysterious fish, in deep, dark caverns beneath the surface of Planet Fuddle, everything had started off well. Space travellers came from far and wide to buy the magnificent fish and have fun with them.  The fish could help them travel through time; they could take them to places we could only dream about; and they could warn them and guide them away from danger … In fact one or another of these colourful fish could do almost anything you imagined.  Each type was a different colour of the rainbow.
But Trouble was brewing – the mysterious Mists of Time (the Fuddles’ arch enemy) wanted these fish for themselves and were prepared to do anything to get hold of them!  The Mists of Time were dangerous.  They had a mind of their own. The mist inside them was so thick, that the past, the present, and the future tangled together. You could soon get lost, and there are many Fuddles who have entered them who have never been seen again.
The surface of the newly formed Crater changed again, as the Fuddles built Trickletown.  Seven hamlets full of colourful houses soon appeared between the seven river valleys; and seven cobbled streets, each one paved in a different colour of the rainbow, wound past forests and mountains.

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The Million Wiggle Fish were colourful intelligent fish with powers of their own – powers so extraordinary that everyone in the Universe wanted them. 

Trouble in Trickletown

The Fuddles Build Trickletown

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Inside a circular road named Inner Street, the Fuddles left an area of grass they called ‘The Gambit’.
It was a place where they could go to think, but The Gambit was so much more than just an area of grass.  Mysterious and magical things could happen here and in the Knick-Knack Tree Adventures they often do! 

At the centre of The Gambit, inside a ring of seven large oak trees, the Fuddles built a fish pond – ‘The Million Wiggle Fish Pond’ – and this was the brand new home for their precious fish.  The fountain of the pool was made from living granite and this brand new wonder of the universe could change its shape to whatever it liked.

The pool was guarded by seven Rainbow Fish.  These seven living, stone fish hovered around the edge of the pool in globes of water.  Each one was a different colour of the rainbow, and large enough to sit on, which was something they occasionally let you do.
Floating above the centre of the fountain, looking out over the tops of the seven oak trees, hovered one very clever, living, stone fish.  This one was silver and gold and its job was to look out for trouble!
Surrounding the fish pond, there was something even more magical! A spiral passageway through time, called Rainbow Walk.  This was truly a magical place – ‘a place where adventures begin and dreams come true’.

The Million Wiggle Fish Pond – surrounded by Rainbow Walk. 


The Gambit

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Trouble in Trickletown

The Fuddles Build Trickletown

The magical Million Wiggle Fish Pond, besides being a home for the Million Wiggle Fish, was built to protect them.  In times of danger a brightly coloured mosaic barrier sealed the surface.  Then, when the Hour Glass Key was placed in the Granite Key Stone, the fish pond lowered itself beneath the ground and was hidden away from its enemies by the surface of The Gambit.  Its position could then be locked by placing the stone from the Emerald Ring in its slot, at the centre of the Hour Glass Key.

Hour Glass Key

Life in Trickletown Valleys’ Crater became great fun.  The Knick-Knack Tree and the inhabitants of Trickletown appeared to be safe in their brand new homes, and travellers began to arrive from every corner of the universe to purchase the Million Wiggle Fish.
These travellers began telling of their adventures, and as each new story was told, a brand new Knick-Knack was hung on the Knick-Knack Tree’s branches.  It reminded everyone of the story.  Soon the Tree was covered from root to twig in a glorious collection of Knick-Knacks.
A tiny elf-like character called Knicky-Knacky began telling the stories of these adventures.  He lived in a cosy den among the Tree’s roots, and whenever a Knick-Knack was chosen, he would appear from his den and begin to tell everyone its story … 
The first of these stories to be told was Trouble in Trickletown.

The Hour Glass Key and the Stone of the Emerald Ring, locked in their place at the centre of the Granite Key Stone.

Emerald Ring

Trouble in Trickletown

The Story Begins

-    Chapter 2    -

The Mists of Time had surrounded Trickletown Valleys’ Crater.  Their plan was to steal the Million Wiggle Fish and take over Trickletown.

The Story Begins

Excitement  was beginning to build in the Emerald Forest.  The Knick- Knack Tree was awake and an adventure was about to be chosen.
‘That one!’ shouted a mouse, pointing to a shiny gold Knick-Knack, hanging high in the Knick-Knack Tree’s branches.  It was a gold medallion and on it had been etched the words: 

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“The Hour Glass Key 
had been stolen.

“The Emerald Ring 
was now missing.

Hour Glass Key

Emerald Ring

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The Seven Rainbow Fish – each one a different colour of the Rainbow.

A place where adventures begin.  
A place where dreams come true’.

“And the seven Rainbow Fish who guarded the magical Million Wiggle Fish Pond were nowhere to be found!

Knicky-Knacky retrieved it from the branches and then, sitting on his favourite log, he began to tell everyone its story … 

“And this was only the start of it.  The What’Nott family and Mr Got-a-Lott were all in desperate trouble.”
Knicky-Knacky fidgeted around on his log, just to make sure he was perfectly comfortable.

Trouble in Trickletown

“The What’Nott family live in Key Stone Cottage, right next door to the Million Wiggle Fish Pond at the centre of the Gambit.
Mr What’Nott was tall, dark and handsome, and as wearer of the Emerald Ring he was the most important Fuddle in Trickletown.  

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Mr What'Nott

Mrs What'Nott

“Mrs What’Nott was fine-looking too, and just as important, for she looked after their children, Willey and Casey, and their pet dog Badsey – a loving, but lively Jack Russell Terrier.

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Casey, Badsey and Willey

The Story Begins

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“Willey What’Nott was our Knick-Knack Tree Adventurer.  
He was fascinated by the Moon and the Stars, and spent many hours looking out over the dark night sky from his bedroom window.  He was very easy to recognise, with a glorious well-kept crest of ginger hair, and usually dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, plus a bright red jacket.  Casual but smart, as he liked to call it; and always ready for an adventure.
“Casey was just like her mother.  Although she was younger than Willey, she secretly did her best to follow him on many of his adventures.  

Willey What'Nott

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“The Last of our Fuddles in Trouble was Mr Got-a-Lott.  He was large and round and always dressed in different shades of yellow.  He was the owner of the Got-a-Lott Museum – a place which kept something of everything; almost everything you can think of from the past and many things not even invented yet, from some time in the future.”

Mr Got-a-Lott

Trouble in Trickletown


As the story continued, and the crowd around the Knick-Knack Tree grew larger, the magical pollen from its blossoms floated down onto them.  Soon, the adventure appeared real! 
It was as if they were all becoming part of it.


The trouble in Trickletown began when a troublesome comet called Climaticus was circling the Earth.  It was stirring up winds around Trickletown; and the dangerous Mists of Time were moving nearer to the centre of the Crater.  This was their chance to steal the fish and they were determined to take it.

Mr What’Nott was going to need help to secure the fish pond safely beneath the surface of The Gambit.
Mrs What’Nott, Willey and Mr Got-a-Lott arrived to help – but it was now so dangerous outside in the Mists of Time, they needed to do something extraordinary. To keep safe, they each made themselves an extra body; now there were two identical

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versions of each of them.  This was what most fuddles do in times of danger.  These extra bodies of Mr and Mrs What’Nott, Willey and Mr Got-a-Lott returned to Key Stone Cottage, where they remained with Willey’s sister Casey and the pet dog Badsey.  Here they hoped to stay safe as the Mists of Time swirled around the Crater.  But things went wrong.  

The Story Begins

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The Mists of Time forced their way in through a narrow gap beneath the cottage front door.  The extra body of Mr Got-a-Lott was dragged outside, where The Mists of Time forced him to steal the Hour Glass Key and the Rainbow Fish and run away with them.  They tried to make him seize the Emerald Ring from Mr What’Nott’s fingers … but it fell to the ground.  As the surface of The Gambit closed and the fish pond disappeared, a mysterious hand reached out and grabbed 
the Emerald Ring! 

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The Mists of Time now covered everything …

The Million Wiggle Fish Pond was now trapped beneath the surface of the Gambit. 
Key Stone Cottage and everyone inside it spiralled away in the mist to sometime in the future. The Mists of Time captured the bodies and minds of the remaining versions of Mr and Mrs What’Nott and Mr Got-a-Lott who all remained in Trickletown Valleys’ Crater.  Now they are helping the Mists of Time take over Trickletown.  The second Willey What’Nott had managed to escape, but it might only be a matter of time before they captured him.

Trouble in Trickletown

-    Chapter 3    -

A Mysterious Orange Envelope

To follow our Knick-Knack Tree Adventure we must travel through time, to find the What’Nott family who had remained in Key Stone Cottage when the trouble began.
They are still inside Key Stone Cottage, at the centre of The Gambit, but everything around them has changed. It appeared to have all been hidden inside a circle of thick grey mist.

Inside Key Stone Cottage everything for the moment was quiet.  Most of the What’Nott family had gone to bed, except that is for Willey; as he couldn’t sleep.  It might just have been the fact that tomorrow was his birthday.  He would be nine years old and – to add to the suspense – his special birthday surprise had not yet been revealed.  But there were other things worrying him too: The Trickletown Valleys’ Games were due to begin in only two days time and he was desperate to win the Chaseboard Challenge Race for Orange Street.  He missed his best friend Eddy, who lived in Trickletown, and he longed to see the Knick-Knack Tree again and listen to Knicky-Knacky tell of its stories and adventures.  But nothing he could think of appeared possible – Key Stone Cottage and everyone inside it were lost in time and for the moment there was no way back again!

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A Mysterious Orange Envelope

Key Stone Cottage, Lock Street, Trickletown –
a cottage all on its own at the centre of Trickletown Valleys’ Crater. 

Trouble in Trickletown

A Mysterious Orange Envelope


The Moon was big and bright and shining in through the bedroom window – in fact there was far too much light for anyone who wanted to sleep.
‘A full Moon at last,’ thought Willey, looking closer at the lines and shapes he could see over its surface.  His attention drifted towards the Moon’s edge; not to any particular shape but to a faint orange glow, which he had never noticed before.
This faint orange glow appeared to pulse very slowly – as if it were trying to hold Willey’s attention.
It was then that he noticed something else.  Two very distinctive eyes were peering back at him, from behind the Moon!
Startled, Willey jumped back and closed the curtains.
It was several worrying moments before his courage returned and he could open them again, but when he did, the two mysterious eyes were nowhere to be seen.
Willey looked at the Moon again and again, but nothing changed.  Whatever it was had disappeared.  Willey could not stay awake a moment longer and reluctantly returning to his bed, was soon fast asleep. 

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The Moon was big and bright but Willey had noticed something else; 
two very distinctive eyes were peering back at him.

Trouble in Trickletown

A Mysterious Orange Envelope

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Staring back at Willey from the depths of seven jars swam seven colourful, 
wiggly fish, each one a different colour of the rainbow. 

Trouble in Trickletown

A Mysterious Orange Envelope

The words echoed around the room as if Willey’s head was stuck inside a biscuit tin, but it was just his sister Casey, his mum and dad and leading the charge, raced Badsey, a very excited Jack Russell Terrier.  In no time at all, Badsey had pinned Willey to his pillow and was smothering him in many licks and kisses.
Willey had overslept, and Casey was excitedly trying to find out more about Willey’s special birthday surprise.
The answer, she thought, must be in one of the many envelopes now scattered over Willey’s bed.  She was sure she knew exactly which one it would be in, and was soon offering Willey a bright orange envelope.
“Come on then, open it!” she instructed.
All this attention was becoming a little too much for Willey, who was still not fully awake.
“Calm down, Casey,” interrupted Mum, realising the situation was getting a little out of hand.  “There will be plenty of time to open all the cards and all the presents, Willey’s special birthday surprise is not until later this afternoon – so there is no point searching for clues in all those envelopes!”
Despite this reassurance, Willey was now sitting up in bed and intent on opening the mysterious orange envelope.
“SIT and STAY!” grumbled Mr What’Nott, making sure that Badsey sat on the mat beside Willey’s bed, and did as he was told, or else!
Willey was in such a hurry that he didn’t even notice the envelope opened itself and placed its contents gently in the palm of his hand – in fact it was only Badsey who noticed anything at all, and gave a cautious growl as the envelope hid under Willey’s bed.
Suddenly, the room was filled with Willey’s joyful shrieks.
“THE CIRCUS!” he announced, at the top of his voice, “YIPPEE! WE ARE GOING TO THE CIRCUS!”

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Suddenly, the room was filled with Willey’s joyful shrieks.  “THE CIRCUS!” 
he announced, at the top of his voice, 

Trouble in Trickletown

A Mysterious Orange Envelope

With one excited leap, Willey shot out of bed and with his sister, marched across the bedroom and down the wooden staircase into the kitchen.

    “We’re going to the circus,       we’re going to the circus!”

They sang the same repetitive tune until they reached the breakfast table, leaving all the other envelopes strewn over Willey’s bed and across the bedroom floor.  One even found its way into Badsey’s mouth, which did not impress Mr What’Nott one bit.
Mr and Mrs What’Nott looked at one another in astonishment.   Who on earth had sent Willey a ticket to a circus? 
Catching up with the children, Mrs What’Nott held up the mysterious ticket.  
It said: 

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Willey What’Nott’s Ticket to the Trickletown Valleys’ Circus,
delivered by the mysterious Orange Envelope.

Trickletown Valleys’ Circus is proud to invite
Willey What’Nott and his family 
to a Special Circus Performance.
The Circus will begin this afternoon
and take place on Trickletown Gambit.

Finally, beneath a glittering picture of a magnificent circus tent were the words:

Please be ready at 2 o’clock.

For the rest of Willey’s birthday, until 2 o’clock at least, it was just like any other birthday, with lots of fun and laughter, chocolate cake, presents and sweets.

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